Runner Up: Listener's Choice Award, Podcasting for Business Awards 2022

Frances Beecher

Frances Beecher Profile Photo

CEO - Llamau (Homelessness Charity)

By profession, Frances is a cognitive behavioural psychotherapist. Frances has worked extensively in the VAWDASV and homelessness Sector. Previously Frances has also worked in the RSL sector and as a lay inspector for the Audit Commission.

Frances is the Chief Executive of Llamau, Wales’ leading homeless Charity for young people and women.
Frances was the founder and first Chair of Cymorth Cymru, Wales’ umbrella body for organisations working with homeless people in Wales. Frances is also the founder and Chair of the EYHCymru coalition, a partnership of charities, agencies, academia and businesses that have joined forces to raise awareness and take a radical approach to ending youth homelessness in Wales.

Frances is also a board member of the independent think-tank the Institute of Welsh Affairs.

Frances was named as a New Radical by the JRT alongside Michael Sheen and more recently as One of the Future Generations Top 100 Changemakers – Acting today for a Better tomorrow.

Frances is the amazing Chief Executive of Llamau, Wales’ leading young people and women’s homeless charity. Llamau works across Wales with over 10,000 disenfranchised and vulnerable young people and women a year. Frances has supported some of the most vulnerable people and worked tirelessly on issues including domestic abuse and homelessness. She leads the organisation with passion and authenticity and is always looking for new partnerships and approaches to solving the root causes of the challenges that these young people face.

May 24, 2023

#095: Being Free - The Season Six Heartbeats

Season Finale: What we learned about being free!

Listen to the Episode
May 5, 2023

#093: Can We Care Too Much As Leaders? with Frances Beecher

Leading in the Third Sector: eradicating homelessness.

Listen to the Episode